Monday, August 07, 2006

A Path to Human Evolution?

  1. Learn to learn.
  2. Learn to teach.
  3. Teach to learn.
  4. Teach to teach.
Learn to learn. Learning is a skill. Figure out how to do this well, and everything gets easier.

Learn to teach
. Take on the skills and responsibility of teaching others what you know and believe--then teach them what you know and believe.

Teach to learn. Two reasons here: First, teach others how to learn so that everything can get easier for them. Second, teach with the purpose of learning for yourself because the act of teaching teaches you twice as much as what you pass on.

Teach to teach. This is where it comes full circle; show people how to teach so they can complete the circuit used to illuminate the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should publish this - You could write a wonderful book guiding people to help others around them on a daily basis.