Sunday, August 27, 2006

[?] Natural Intelligence

When speaking of artificial intelligence, we typically think of machines that can think like humans. However, in an increasingly structured world, that generates massive amounts of data, and that emphasizes analytical speed and power (popularly dubbed the "knowledge-worker age"), are we not training humans to think more like machines? Perhaps we should consider that the quest to bridge the gap between artificial and natural intelligence does not begin by mimicking human, but by mimicking the very machines we create.

Wisdom is ultimately the understanding that those who seek answers nearly always already have the answers.

Wise people know to point you towards yourself in your search for truth.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Way Out

The easy way out always keeps you in.

Saturday, August 12, 2006

One Trick

One trick is never to fear the fall, but look forward to and beyond the recovery.

Monday, August 07, 2006

Conserve Mind

A wasteful mind is a wasted mind.

[Inspired by a certain someone.]
Next Rest Stop: 0 miles.

This life may be the only rest stop you have to meet other souls.
Value Respect

Value is applied; respect is earned.
Death Grip

Fear never grips us; we take hold of it and refuse to let go.
Real All Over

It takes such a specific example of an idea to make it something so universal.
Fortuitous Flight

Nothing scares people more than the prospect of success.

Real confidence comes when you stop fearing who you are--and what you are capable of.
Answer Your Questions

When you ask yourself a question you think you don't know the answer to, endeavor to answer it. If the answer isn't pursued, then the question's only probable value is to keep bored people company.

  1. Why do I keep doing that?
  2. When am I going to fulfill my promise?
  3. How come this won't go away?
Know Who What

It's not what you know, and it's not even who you know, but who knows you.
[?] Question of Answer

Can you create a solution that creates no additional problems?
Two Factors

In a non-crisis environment, free of pandemic, famine, and war, who you are is dictated by two, and only two factors:
  1. The decisions you have made in the past, and
  2. The decisions you are making right now.
Everything is Nothing.

At first, nothing could mean anything. Then as anything becomes more clear, it becomes a confusing mess of delicious blur. As we focus and we orient ourselves, rules emerge, followed by lines of delineation and proper names. After we traverse hierarchy and flatten our four dimensions, everything begins to merge, then becomes a single point of light. Then suddenly, without warning or fanfare, everything becomes so clear it becomes transparent--and disappears.

A Path to Human Evolution?

  1. Learn to learn.
  2. Learn to teach.
  3. Teach to learn.
  4. Teach to teach.
Learn to learn. Learning is a skill. Figure out how to do this well, and everything gets easier.

Learn to teach
. Take on the skills and responsibility of teaching others what you know and believe--then teach them what you know and believe.

Teach to learn. Two reasons here: First, teach others how to learn so that everything can get easier for them. Second, teach with the purpose of learning for yourself because the act of teaching teaches you twice as much as what you pass on.

Teach to teach. This is where it comes full circle; show people how to teach so they can complete the circuit used to illuminate the world.